STUFFED STRAWBERRIES (Adapted from In Diane’s Kitchen)

I wanted something healthy-ish, but I didn’t want just another fruit salad. I’m grabbing the last of the summer sweet strawberries, and filling them with a sweet cream cheese mixture. It’ll be a one bite delicious concoction! My daughter said she wants to handle this one for me, so I can’t wait to see the results!

14-16 large ripe strawberrries

4 oz low fat cream cheese, softened

1/2 tsp vanilla

1/4 cup powdered sugar

Wash strawberries, and pat dry. Cut off stems. Cut a hole in the center of each strawberry to remove the white inside.

Slice the small point off the bottom of each one so they sit flat on a tray. Mix together the cream cheese, vanilla and powdered sugar.

Fill a pastry bag or ziplock baggie with the mixture, and squeeze the mixture into each of the strawberries.

